Thursday, April 26, 2012

Terezin Memorial

For my Jewish Experience class, we took a field trip to the Terezin memorial/concentration camp. It was quite the visit. You could feel the torture, as you walked into the sleeping quarters and through the chambers. It was a really good experience though. It made the Holocaust so much clearer, and i can now envision what exactly went on. Unfortunately, it was something I probably wont ever go to again but was so memorable.

1 comment:

  1. HI:Brooke,
    The picture's of the "Family"are great,however why were they wearing hard hats?
    Is the banner that Mom & Dad standing in front off,from the school that you are attending in Prague?
    Well,what's next for your adventure's in Europe.
    Can't wait to hear about your next episode/adventure.
    My dinner party last evening recieved great rave reviews,everyone enjoyed the entire dinner,they stayed until almost 10:00 o'clock,so today, I have the mess to clean up. No big deal,everyone asked me about you & your trip to Prague.
    Bob Ross (Carl's Brother-in-law)especially enjoyed the "Scrimp Fra Deovilo over my Home Made Cappelini",he doesn't get that kind of food.
    Well,I guess the time is getting short for you,when are you scheduled to return to Rhode Island?
    I hope that you are back in the time I get back in June.
    Lisa wants me back in time for "Max's Graduation Ceremony @ the Catheral in Providence, on the 8th of June,I'm planning to be back in R.I. by the 6 or 7th of June.(God Willing)
    The weather here for the last few days has been rainy & very humid(YUK),uncharateristic for Florida this time of the year.(But that too will change shortly)
    Look forward to your next Blog,
    LU YU,
    Miss you,
    Grampy Sal
